Single-crystal sapphire (Al203) is a hard, transparent solid material that occurs naturally and also produced, or grown, synthetically. It has high thermal conductivity, enjoys high strength, hardness and temperature resistance, has broad spectral transmission and excellent dielectric performance. Sapphire’s properties make it the ideal choice for components in harsh, destructive or biological environments.
Synthetic sapphire is produced by few active crystal growers around the world. Various growth methods produce different shapes, sizes and quality grades; raw sapphire is then fabricated through multiple process steps into finished parts.
Since 2003, S & D Materials has been a trusted source for standard and custom sapphire components - sapphire windows, sapphire tubes, sapphire lenses, sapphire rods, sapphire substrates, sapphire wafers, sapphire crystal material - for OEMs, corporate and institutional end users, and a global network of trading partners serving the optical, semiconductor, defense, medical, consumer electronics and other industries.